Sunday, October 6, 2024

Critical Race Fact

The banning of thought shows the fear that the radical right has for anything that contradicts their conspiracy theories. It's admittedly difficult to defend a theory for which there is no evidence. It's also difficult to defend obviously racist tropes.

It's easier when you are preaching to the believers on the radical right. There, the simple tropes are amplified by the right's already established mindset. Obviously, when you get into the wider world, it all breaks down. 

The isolation which results from use of the internet means that the radical right gets reinforcement for their fears from the only sources to which they are listening. In fact, not only are they isolated, they are often told what they should fear.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Listening to Change

“Real listening is a willingness to let the other person change you.” ― Alan Alda, Never Have Your Dog Stuffed: And Other Things I've Learned

You aren't really listening unless you are willing to change based on what you hear. That doesn't mean that you have to completely accept everything that you hear, but that you are willing to adjust your thinking based on what the other person says. Taking this approach to listening means that you listen more critically and attempt to understand what the other is saying or perhaps not saying.

Unfortunately, many people interact with you simply to respond. As you are talking, they are actively thinking of their arguments to what you are saying. This means that they already have decided that what you have to say isn't going to change their point of view, even minimally.

It's interesting to me that you see this listening to respond even among professional interviewers when they ask a question which the interviewee just explained to them. The interviewer was not really listening but was waiting to respond at the first opportunity. Even the best interviewers are sometimes guilty of this error. 

Imagine, then what happens when you are listening to someone with whom you really disagree. It becomes even more difficult when you know what they are saying has no basis in fact. The objective, here, is to try to determine where they are coming from. That is, what motivates their views. This can be hard since the motivations are often not related specifically to the subject being discussed.

For example, often the radical right doesn't really believe what they are saying. Often, they take a stance just to "own the libs". This type of argument is very difficult to deal with primarily because you both really agree, but because the antagonist values owning the libs over everything else, they will not change their minds on the topic. They really aren't arguing the topic, but arguing just to own their opponent.

But, if you want to accomplish anything, it is up to you to see if you can find anything which will allow the other to change even a little aspect of their thinking. You need to really listen to what they are saying and try to understand the motivations behind it in order to see if there is anything on which you can build. Be aware that this may take several sessions, but if you are really listening you may hear something on which you can build. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

liberal media elite

What is the “liberal media elite”? Is it real or just another lie by the radical right?

The phrase is made up of code words intended to rile up right-wing radicals.

Liberal Media

Any phrase with "liberal" will immediately aggravate many right-wing radicals to whom "owning the libs" is the most important goal in their existence. Fox News and other right-wing media -- the other side of the actual media -- have made the word "media" something to be feared by the radicals. Yes, I know it doesn't make any sense since these right-wing media are still media, but, it seems that the MAGA crowd needs to be told what to think and any relation to reality has been cut off from them. The overlap between reality and beliefs of the right-wing is very tenuous at best.


Including the word "elite" in any phase, immediately raises the ire of MAGA adherents. Somehow, "elite" invokes "liberal elite". The "elite" on the right, apparently don't count. It's like MY elite are okay while YOUR elite are vile. "Elite" has negative connotations. "Leadership" would be more neutral. But those prodding the right don't want to use neutral terms. They want to use terms which invoke a negative reaponse.

Liberal Media Elite

So, when you put the terms together you get a phrase which combines two phrases designed to invoke a response. Fear and loathing are the expected responses of constantly using these terms. 

What to do?

Those of us on the other side, need to be consistent in our responses to these types of phrases. We need to:
  • Keep it simple
  • Tell the truth
  • Not say dumb shit
We need to take the methodology of the right, eliminate the lies, and consistently hammer on simple messages, and not make stupid mistakes by saying dumb shit. We need to point out that the right-wing media are also media and, if anything, are more "elite" than anything on the left. We need to keep at it whenever the right mounts an attack on media outlets and people who try to get the truth through to the MAGA adherents.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Layoffs in the Time of Record Profits “corporations have announced mass layoffs right before the holidays, claiming economic downturns have driven the cuts, even as they record profits and the economy showing no signs of a downturn. Yet, the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes have driven concerns that a downturn could happen soon.

I believe that the Federal Reserve will not be able to stem rising prices given the tools that they have. This is because record profits seem to me to be an indication that expense is not driving costs, but rather, greed is the major driver for the current upturn in prices.

After all, employees are an expense and profit means that revenue is exceeding expenses. Therefore, if revenue is rising, then it isn't expenses (labor) which is driving the increase in prices (revenue). Seems pretty simple to me.

Friday, December 16, 2022

The US Flag — Sad

It’s really disturbing to me that the MAGA devotees have changed to my view of the flag. They wear it on their buts, wave it at rallies while shouting for the overthrow of democracy or while storming the Congress calling for the death of their own elected officials. They change my view of the flag as I see it in my daily life.

Now when I walk by houses flying the flag my reaction is negative. I see the flag and think, "there's a right-wing wacko living here" even if there isn't. It really makes me feel bad that the symbol of what should be a great, caring country has become the symbol of radical anti-democratic thinking.

IT makes me think of raging MAGAers wearing the flag on their butts and sitting on it in disrespect. It makes me remember the MAGA supporters who stormed the US Capitol on January 6 using the flag as a weapon against the police trying to protect our elected representatives. It represents everything I dislike about the radical right-wing stoked by the Greed Over People (GOP) party since the rise of Little Lying Donald. And it makes me worry about the future of our democracy.

It makes me feel ashamed to be an American and that makes me very sad.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Really Irritating

One of the things that really irritates me is the tendency of people to form groups where there aren't any. For example, the tendency of political parties to look at

  • Hispanics
  • Blacks
  • Old people
  • Asians
anyone who isn't white as all the same. The old people thing really bothers me as I am one. In fact, I'm the "worst" kind an old white guy. The parties view us as right wing, conservative, bigoted and I am none of those things. Hell, I grew up in the 1960's!

As I used to tell my kids growing up. Treat each person as an individual, not as some member of a group. Sure, you will have some impression of them when you first meet them, but, give everyone a chance. After you have known them for some time, make your decision about that individual, not the entire class of people.

I used to own three perfectly good read caps from one of the local radio stations. They were good hats which I enjoyed wearing. Then came Little Lying Donald and MAGA. I was forced to stop wearing them and eventually to throw them out because of people assuming that because I was old and wearing a red cap that I was a MAGA supporter. Far from it.

So how do I deal with the frustration? I pretty much ignore the radical right. If a "talking head" on TV is lumping all the old folks into the same group, I remind myself that he is doing so for ratings. It's easy to lump everyone together. It's much harder to get to know someone and treat them as an individual with their own needs, desires and issues.

I also remind myself that we are all pretty much the same wherever in the world we go. We have basic needs and issues. We try to deal with them in the best way we can and just try to get

I'm going to write up some things that I would like to see. Those of you who think that we old white guys are all right-wing conservative bigots may be surprised. Keep an open mind and we can have some fun.

Why "Conservative"? Why not "radical right"?

Sitting here watching MSNBC and they keep referring to the Republican party as "conservative". To my mind there is nothing "conservative" about today's republican party. The Greed Over People (GOP) party has shifted radically to the right while at the same time becoming a big government, overspending group of hypocrites. Someone coming from the Regan years would not recognize the GOP, even vaguely. Some say both the GOP and the Democrats have shifted to the right and left respectively, but I believe that the Democrats have made a minor leftward move while the GOP has embraced the Kool-Aid and leaped radically to the right. They have shifted so far that destroying the democracy is a major strategy in their lust to win above all.

Let me know what you think.

Critical Race Fact The banning of thought shows the fear that the radic...