Tuesday, January 17, 2023

liberal media elite

What is the “liberal media elite”? Is it real or just another lie by the radical right?

The phrase is made up of code words intended to rile up right-wing radicals.

Liberal Media

Any phrase with "liberal" will immediately aggravate many right-wing radicals to whom "owning the libs" is the most important goal in their existence. Fox News and other right-wing media -- the other side of the actual media -- have made the word "media" something to be feared by the radicals. Yes, I know it doesn't make any sense since these right-wing media are still media, but, it seems that the MAGA crowd needs to be told what to think and any relation to reality has been cut off from them. The overlap between reality and beliefs of the right-wing is very tenuous at best.


Including the word "elite" in any phase, immediately raises the ire of MAGA adherents. Somehow, "elite" invokes "liberal elite". The "elite" on the right, apparently don't count. It's like MY elite are okay while YOUR elite are vile. "Elite" has negative connotations. "Leadership" would be more neutral. But those prodding the right don't want to use neutral terms. They want to use terms which invoke a negative reaponse.

Liberal Media Elite

So, when you put the terms together you get a phrase which combines two phrases designed to invoke a response. Fear and loathing are the expected responses of constantly using these terms. 

What to do?

Those of us on the other side, need to be consistent in our responses to these types of phrases. We need to:
  • Keep it simple
  • Tell the truth
  • Not say dumb shit
We need to take the methodology of the right, eliminate the lies, and consistently hammer on simple messages, and not make stupid mistakes by saying dumb shit. We need to point out that the right-wing media are also media and, if anything, are more "elite" than anything on the left. We need to keep at it whenever the right mounts an attack on media outlets and people who try to get the truth through to the MAGA adherents.

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